In-Store Communications: Why Signage Matters

The world around us has quickly shifted from printed communications to digital messaging.  While there’s no doubt that online communication benefits our society, there are a few ways that print can help us when the internet can’t. If you are a business owner, you know the importance of providing your in-store customers with signage that gives a clear idea of how to navigate during their visit.

Whether you work in a coffee shop, doctor’s office, theme park or restaurant, the signage in your building helps to guide guests and provide them with information. With businesses now adjusting to a different way of in-store relations, signage is more important than ever. Read on to learn why in-store signage matters and how to use it to benefit your business.

Brand Visibility & Recognition

Signage plays an important role in the way your business is perceived and remembered.  Attractive signs and branding will help create a lasting impression and entice your customers to visit again. Good signage not only shows off your brand, it helps communicate the products and services that your business offers and gives guests an idea of what to expect from your company.

Persuasive Signage Compels Sales

In-store signs can be used to showcase a certain type of product or service or communicate new or seasonal offers that may otherwise go unnoticed. Effective persuasive messaging will improve customer interactions and influence their spending behavior. The signage is meant to catch their eye but should not overwhelm them.  Persuasive signage should be efficient, drawing the customers to the product.

Safety First

As your guests adjust to the new ways of interacting with others, they’ll be looking for signage in your store to tell them what to expect and what is expected of them during their visit. Providing clear, informative signs about social distancing, frequent hand washing and new safety measures will not only help put your guests at ease, but will also encourage them to practice healthy habits for the safety of themselves and other customers.

Done properly, in-store signage can significantly benefit your business. Clear signage helps customers navigate your store, making their experience easier and more enjoyable. Signs help your employees by answering common questions and giving direction, allowing your staff more time to focus on meaningful customer interactions. Our design team here at Dion Marketing can help you create engaging and effective in-store signage to benefit customer interactions. Contact us to get started!

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